GNFAC forecaster were in Taylor Fork on 1/31/21: There were many small(er) pockets R2-D1/2 along the northeast facing ridge of Carrot and Sage Basins. Some looked like they broke below the new snow or on surface hoar, and some broke deeper to the facets at the ground. We dug a pit above one of the crowns that and got an ECTP16 on surface hoar 40 cm down, and ECTN 29 on the depth hoar. PST 37/120 end on the depth hoar. HS 150cm.
Also numerous slides in Lightning and Beaver Creeks in the Wilderness. Also noticed a large crown in Sunlight Basin spanning across the lookers left half of the heavily wind-loaded/corniced bowl. R3-D2/2.5 probably, 500’+ wide